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发布日期:2017-11-30 16:08:47

这是中国瑜伽圈熟知的Ganesh老师,也是Just Yoga Shanghai的创立人,同学们也经常亲切地称为“大象老师”。Ganesh 老师的名字,事实上来源于象神“伽内什”,Just Yoga 的商标设计灵感也同样来源于此形象。象神“伽内什”究竟是怎样一种存在?他究竟从何而来?他究竟为何如此受人爱戴?
Ganesh is the founder of Just Yoga Shanghai, well know in Chinese Yoga circle as "Teacher Elephant." Ganesh the name is actually originated from  the elephant-headed-god Ganesha, whose figure also inspired the design of Just Yoga logo. Today let's talk about the origin of this well-known God. Who exactly is Ganesh? Where it comes from? And why is he so popular and well-known? 

Ganesha’s Myth 神秘的象神
Ganesha’s Myth 神秘的象神
Lord of success,
god of education
knowledge, wisdom and wealth.

Ganesha, also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganesha has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. Although he is known by many attributes Ganesha's elephant
 head makes him easy to identify.


伽内什的头,象征着 Atman (即灵魂),它是人类存在的终极最高的现实,他的身体是Maya的象征 (即人类的尘世生活)。大象的头代表智慧,它的躯干代表着宇宙之声的象征。Ganesha's head symbolizes the Atman or the soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies Maya or the earthly existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom and its trunk represents OM, the sound symbol of cosmic reality.

Ganesha's mystical birth

用瑜伽的术语来描述,象神伽内什是破除一切障碍的。揭开他身世的的神秘面纱,原来,他是Shiva (湿婆神)和Parvati(帕尔瓦蒂)的儿子。Shiva是一位瑜伽修行者,他冥想,象征着纯粹意识和无为无我的力量,放空的境界。Parvati是他的妻子,是创造的能量,具有完整充实的力量。
In yogic term, Ganesha is known as the “Remover of Obstacles.” Unfolding his mystical birth, he is actually the son of Shiva and Parvati. Shiva is a yogi who meditates, the pure consciousness and the power of emptiness. Parvati is his wife, the recreative energy and the power of fullness. 


There is a story said that once goddess Parvati, while bathing, created a boy out of the dirt of her body and assigned him the task of guarding the entrance to her bathroom. This body is who we all know today as Ganesha.

How Ganesha get a elephant head?

Ganesha, when he was born, actually had a human body, together with a human head. How come it become an elephant-headed God we know today? 


Continuing with the story about parvati's bathing. When Shiva, her husband returned, he was surprised to find a stranger denying him access, and struck off the boy's head in rage. Parvati broke down in utter grief and to soothe her, Shiva sent out his squad (gana) to fetch the head of any sleeping being who was facing the north. The company found a sleeping elephant and brought back its severed head, which was then attached to the body of the boy. Shiva restored its life and made him the leader (pati) of his troops. Hence his name 'Ganapati'. Shiva, also bestowed a boon that people would worship him .

Narthana Ganapathy 伽内什之舞

伽内什非常喜欢跳舞。他通常是以跳舞的形象出现在艺术创作和神像当中。舞者音乐家等,特别是在印度南部,通常在表演的开始,以伽内什形象的婆罗多舞作为开场,以此来预祝演出的成功。Narthana Ganapathy 伽内什之舞即是这个舞蹈序列的典型代表。伽内什以四只手环绕的姿态出现在跳舞的姿势上,享受着舞蹈的过程。他优雅且激烈的舞蹈象征着他在表演艺术上的灵巧与娴熟。这个就是我们这次恩迪亚舞蹈瑜伽中要学习的舞蹈序列之一。
Ganesha loves dancing and very often, he is portrayed as dancing in art forms or statue. Dancers and musicians, particularly in southern India, begin art performances such as the Bharatnatyam dance with a prayer to Ganesh. Narthana Ganapathy is typically the dancing form of Lord Ganesha. He appears in dancing posture along with four hands and enjoys dancing. His graceful yet sharp dancing symbolises his adroitness in performing arts. This is the dancing sequence we are going to learn this time in the Nritya Yoga Training with Radha Narayanan.


Let us embark on this journey of learning Indian Classical dance with the grace and blessings of this mighty dancing God. 

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